Learning the ropes: Swiftwater Rescue Technician Unit 1 (SRT-1) course.
I decided to do the Swiftwater Rescue Technician Unit 1 (SRT-1) course as I
felt that this kind of knowledge and its practical application is important.
Packrafting is a lot of fun, but when things go awry knowing how to implement
a proper rescue could save a life.

I recommend that all people involved in packrafting or other white water
activity to do this course. Like a first aid course it could be a life saver,
and not only that, it is a fun weekend away !

I did the course on the Mitta Mitta river in Victoria through Jeffe Aronson, whom I learnt later is a bit of a legend in the rafting and white water world. see his web site: http://www.river-god.com/ .
The course is intensive, a lot of information with emphasis on practical scenario work is done over 3 days. It pays to do all the assignments, especially learning knots well prior to the course.
The large raft specific stuff might not be relevant to packrafting, but who
can guess where or when this knowledge is required ? We do share rivers with
other water craft after all.
Foot entrapment is a real risk on shallow rivers, what does one do in this situation ?
Here is some of the
course agenda:
- Hazard Identification, Risk Management & Safety Systems
- Self rescue and Contact Rescues
- Throwbag Rescues
- Shallow Water Crossings
- >Hydrology
- Communications & Team/Incident Controls
- Medical Considerations
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Technical Rescue Equipment (Repair and Maintenance)
- Knots & Anchors
- Swimming (Passive and Aggressive)
- Foot Entrapment Extrication
- Strainers
- other Towing Systems Kayak Pin Extraction
- Multiple, Challenging Scenarios
I must admit I was a bit slack on the knot homework, and suffered due to my
lack of knowledge. I practised on my last holiday but under pressure it was
all forgotten. The site
is an excellent resource for learning them. As a prerequisite we had to
- Figure 8 follow through
- Figure 8 on a bight
- Directional figure 8
- Butterfly
- Bowline
- Double fisherman's
- Water knot
- Clove hitch
- Munter hitch
- 3 wrap prusik
- Klemheist
Knowing the knots is one thing, the next is their practical application. We
put them all to good use.
My timing for this course was exquisite. I learnt about self-rescue if you are
caught in a stopper. Later, On a trip on the Donaldson river I was caught in a
big stopper. It was a frightening experience, and luckily these lessons were
still fresh in my mind.
Here is a link on
river hazards. I do
however, recommend doing the course as the practical experience is invaluable.

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