It's a fair hoof into Canada. Smiles all round at Happy Camp.
Happy Camp is only 12 km from Sheep camp, however there is about a 700m elevation change to deal with. Our feet are challenged with a boulder strewn ascent through the pass.

The flowers are delicate and yet tough to deal with severe weather and poor
levels of nutrition. Such a delight to see the blooms pop out in the most
unusual places and variety of shapes and colour.

Some shoes didn't make it.
A lot of stuff simply could not be carried up the hill, and you have to wonder
about the logic in hauling it up in the first place.
Poster boards tell us a story "All who climb the Golden Stairs never forget
the experience." Carrying these heavy awkward to handle loads in good weather
let alone the often bad: how could it be forgotten ?
Our clambering is at a considered careful pace. This is the solstice, and there was a tough group of athletes who power on past us with the endeavour to complete the entire 53km in the day. I believe the record was a tad over 5 hours: we are happy to take 4 days.
The top of the pass, one side USA, the other Canada. Forget that: what a
wonderful view !
There is a plaque to remind us of the deprivations suffered. There is mention
that it is an ancient Indian trail. I'm thinking that they suffered greatly
too - something easily glossed over.
Once up top, the trail to camp is on a mild descent. Water is all round and
the terrain rocky.
As I'm walking I realise I haven't seen much wildlife. But look again, a rock
ptarmigan moved enough for me to spot it.
Camp greets us surprisingly soon. Some campers elected to move on, our legs
told us that sufficient distance has been covered. The platforms could do with
a few eye bolts, however with imagination I do manage to find areas to tie to.
They are certainly more comfortable than a rocky or root laden surface.
Despite the write-ups saying Happy Camp is not an amenable place, I think to
the contrary. There are sites out of the wind and the area is quite pretty. We
are also fortunate in that there were not a lot of people around to cramp our
personal space
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