I spend my last two days in Canada with the Chief
My holiday is coming to an end. I left Squamish prematurely due to weather, so it was fitting that I returned to finish my trip here. Walking will be my focus as the scenery here deserves more intimate attention that cannot be provided simply from a car window.
With only a few days remaining I left Penticton early as it a 6 hour drive according to Google Maps. As it turned out, that was prudent as due to road works and traffic delay it turned out to be 8. I arrived at Squamish at near 2:30pm and decided to visit the Gondola before popping in to town. The Gondola has a bargain basement fee of $15CAD if you take it from the top down an a much steeper one for both ways. Done - I am all for a walk !
Let's start with some stairs, I've been training at home on stairs, the difference here is the down bit is a long way off !
The stairs give way to a rocky track, the general populace turn back and I proceed. The trail is well marked with signs informing you of the distance traveled.

The forest scene, solace gained by the escape from civilisation and the challenge pushes me onward.
There is a swathe in the forest where it is deemed too high for the gondola's path. Looking down I spot a couple of ladies powering on straight up.
Two sisters. One lives locally and she is the supreme athlete, in keeping with Squamish's ethos. The other lives in Vancouver and she is on a week's vacation sans kids. Somewhat challenged she is out there on some action outdoor pursuits with her sibling.
Now that I know there is an alternative 'short cut' route to the top, I tag along as the third wheel and only just manage to keep up with them.
It's all fun this scrambling, falling wasn't going to happen. Without good shoes or rain the story might be different.
This path is quite vertiginous in places and has fixed ropes to assist.
A couple of hours and a bit more and we are at the top. Woohoo, a photograph to commemorate the occasion !
Whichever way you get up here the ascent is worthwhile. The views are breathtaking. Beer and sweet potato chips make it all the better !
The Gondola ride back down is quite relaxing. It is at a slow pace (although a lot quicker than our walk up ) so there is time to take in the scene.
The next day I wanted to ascend Stawamus Chief. I wanted to climb all three peaks but missed the path to the third. If you want to do all three the best bet is to do them in reverse (you also save the the best for last.) At the backpackers I put a note out for a lift and three others accepted, so I have company for this walk up front.
This walk has less warnings than the former: you are up here because you are a walker. Again the forest is a feature of the mountain flank. The trees are tall and true. I am glad the logger's axe was restrained here.
My legs were a bit leaden from yesterday's effort and it was quite hot and windless at the start. Apart from the fitness required, there is no struggle to get to the top. Whining ceases though when the rocky plateau of the summit is reached. Another breathtaking scene and deservingly it was not wasted, I lingered here for almost an hour.
Cheeky little squirrels will scamper over your legs and are always on the lookout for a tasty morsel. He went hungry from my lack of generosity, but no doubt others provided whether they wanted to or not.
Things happen when you smell the roses. A speed flyer (small paraglider designed for rapid acrobatic descent) came up here for some fun.
The guy had nerves of steel. He had to abort take off, but promptly reset and was off again. When I got up to see where he was, he was almost on the ground before I got to the edge.
With that entertainment over it was time to check out the 2nd peak. The walk to it was quite a delight. I immersed myself in daydreams imagining life as a hermit living here.
Whether I got to the top didn't matter as the way across was so pretty. (no hallucinogens needed for this thought !)
We had a false lead with some steel stirrup steps, surely not ? The NOT assertion and warning sign this time was heeded. We found that the correct path was back a little to the right instead of left. With some rope safety equipment and a bit more freshness I would have gone up, but not today.
There was some tamer ascending fun to be had though.
The perched vista here as good as the first peak and perhaps more interested because of the journey here.
Whilst up here I noticed some kiteboarding activity. Opportunity knocks, I am on my phone immediately. I found the kiteboarding shop in Squamish via the internet, called and arranged to hire some gear for tomorrow. An unexpected treat !
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